「2024第二屆衢州國際兒童友好業餘圍棋邀請賽」——香港代表隊選拔賽 The Hong Kong Team Selection of 2024 The 2nd Quzhou International Friendly Children Amateur Weiqi Invitational Tournament


The Hong Kong Team Selection of 2024 The 2nd Quzhou International Friendly Children Amateur Weiqi Invitational Tournament will be held on October 13, 2024, please refer to the following link for the regulations and application form.


章程 Regulations

2024第二屆衢州國際兒童友好業餘圍棋邀請賽比賽資訊 Regulation of 2024 The 2nd Quzhou International Friendly Children Amateur Weiqi Invitational Tournament


比賽規則 Rules

時間表 Timetable


【對賽表及成績 Bracket & Results】

第1輪 Round 1     第2輪 Round 2     第3輪 Round 3     第4輪 Round 4     第5輪 Round 5     成績 Result